Friday, March 30, 2012

Hair extension ideas?

i want to play around with hair extensions. anyone know of some that are fairly inexpensive ($20ish or under category) that still look good.. [can be synthetic] and any tip on how to work them?

Hair extension ideas?

well honestly there aren't any extensions for less than 20 bucks. i got some for 90 at a beauty parlor, but i saw some at sallys beauty for like 50 but they arent clips, there weave...i hope i helped : )

Hair extension ideas?

my sister used to have hair extensions and they looked really good. You can get them at any beauty store. good luck

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

This is a follow up to my question:



* fitted a full head of extensions

* client started complainig about quality of hair (not workmanship) 10 days later

*client demanding replacement of hair and removal/re-fit FREE of charge

* As it stands, after speaking to supplier, i need to remove the hair and sedn to them for analysis.

*IF fault lies with client, no further action can be taken

* IF supplier is at fault, they have agreed to replace the hair for the client, BUT:

1. Am i obliged to re-fit the hair free of charge?

2. IF i am obliged to rectify it, after all the threatening emails i have been receiving, i am NOT prepared to re-fit.

If i offer a refund for the labour of the first fitting, can no further action be taken by the client because i have offered to refund (Rather than fit again)? Can i offer a refund instead?

Thank You.


Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

the company which supplied the extensions should refund the price of the labour not you

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

I had extensions put in my hair, they were weaved in.. And on the same night on the Saturday, they were all loose. In 2 days, they're were nearly out of my hair. It was a complete joke. So by Monday, I took them back, explained I wasn't happy as I had paid a lot of money for them.

They gave me a refund on the extensions %26amp; recut my hair free of charge.

I think if your client wants a refund, she should be entitled to it IF the hair clearly shows poor quality. What exactly is she saying is wrong with it?

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

go citzens and adive bureax

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

i would offer her a refund...just get her away from you. at my salon we actually have a client release form, so that they can not take anyone to court. talk to your manager.

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

I am not a hairdresser, so forgive me if I don't know how the business works!! It seems like the supplier should pay you for re-fitting the hair. If it's not your fault in any way, why should you lose out!!! I work in the vehicle service industry and that's how it works for us!! You shouldn't have to refund anyone, you did your job correctly! Go after the supplier for compensation. Good luck to you!

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

Basically it's not your fault...she is complaining about the hair. The hair company is totally right...if they find nothing wrong on their part or yours, then she can't do a thing. But if it's her fault (like she washed it with the wrong shampoo or used a silly hair appliance on it) then she'll just have to accept the fact that she was at fault and pay the price.

If it is the hair then I think you are still obliged to re-fit them for is your duty to make sure you supply your clients with good quality products.

When I had hair extensions...I got into my fourth maintenance and ordered some extra hair to top-up with...but after a few days it all started to fall out. I went back to the hair dressers and they examined my head, asked me loads of questions about my care but they couldn't come up with a reason why it was falling out. What they did do though was give me more hair and they never charged me for it. I thought that was the right thing to do. If they were awful to me and refused to help they would have lost a customer.

My extensions are out now but they decided that my hair was no longer suitable for I'm still a good customer of their and I'm going in a week on Saturday to get my roots done and to pick up my new clip-ins!

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

Try asking this question in the law section??

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

I am not a lawyer, but I think if you offer a refund and the client accepts it, you should be off the hook.

As far as the e-mails go, you should DEFINITELY keep a printed copy of all of them. If this ever were to go to court, they would be helpful. I'd say to offer a complete refund, labor and product. If the client accepts it, I wouldn't worry anymore. I would let her know, however, if she doesn't leave you alone AFTER the refund, you may need to take action against her for harrassment and threatening you.

Good luck.

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

It sounds as if your are sort of caught in the middle. That being said "The customer is always right" is a saying because it usually works best that way for business. One question I have for you is whether or not you felt any difference in the quality of the wefts when you put them in? If you use good quality hair than she is incorrect but the saying unfortunately still applies. It is thought that a disatisfied client tells about 15 people of their disatisfaction and really satisfied clients tell about 3 to 5 people. Clearly the unhappy ones can quickly impact your business so do what you need to make her happy. Think of the bigger picture.

I would offer a refund with some sort of waiver if she will go for it. If not return her money in a way you can prove you did a refund. Throwing her a bone of some sort might also quiet her but if she wants to bad mouth you there will be little you can do. Good luck and remember most clients are reasonable people and maybe if you or a coworker try to approach her gently you can get to a resolution. GOOD LUCK

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

if the product is at fault then its down to the supplier if nothing is found wrong with the extensions then dont think theres much she can do maybe offer her refund of the price of extension but dont include your charge for fiting them

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

Did the client order the hair or did you? Have you worked with this system before? Obviously this relationship with the client is over. Why all the threats of court? Is that the client doing that? Save all the e-mails and print them out. Do not lose your cool with them- no matter how disrespectful they get. Be professional. If you have never used the product before than I really have to say you have to redo this work- with another product. They may be used to a superior quality of hair- perhaps this product is not. IF this is the only client who has complained about this quality then I would say that they are trying to get out of a bill. I would replace personally, not refund. But only do it immediately- not 2 months down the line.

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

What is yoru companys poilcy or if it your own company what was thre policy when you set it up? do you have small print that your client may of miss read?

i would other a disdcount to re fit them because it wasnt the fitting of them was it it was the manufactures?

nbut if she demands a refund or free of change fitted you need to get thje money of the manufaute if its their fault because they have costed you foir something that weas their problem

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

fair enough that she didnt like them but then again why did she choose them ones if she didnt like them?dnt give her a refund go to court and print out all the emails that the client has sent you because of the threats. The client should get full charge of this situation, at te end of the day you was just doing your job!x!

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

Well i think that hair extentions damage your hair anyway and its like 10 years later so she could of done anything with them you know i dont think that she should take you to court over them it was her idea to get them in the first place so she took it into her own hands and what ever happens 10 years later is he problem if it was like online a couple of wekks or even a year later then well i dont know but 10 years god...

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

just give her a refund and tell her that your services would no longer be avaliable to her

Hair extension nightmare with client !!?

can you just turn her over to someone else free of you work for a beauty shop??? id say she could take you to small claims..but who really cares about those cases?? you dont technically need to even show..waste of time. IGNORE THE *****.

Hair Extension Care?

I'm getting long, black, and blonde hair extensions from Sally's Beauty supply store, and my friend who is in cosmotology is going to put them in for me with glue. Is there a better way to put them in? I hear glue is a messy choice, and it's hard to take out. My hair is thin, and dyed black, so i dont want any color or hair damage afterwards. when i get them in, how do i take care of my own hair while taking care of the extensions? do they need to have seperate attention? what about in the shower? do i need a special shampoo? is there other alternatives that are easier than glue? I hear when african-american girls get weaves they have to put baby oil on them to keep them from drying them out, does the same apply to extensions?

Hair Extension Care?

I would not recommend the glue. It dosen't last long and ur pieces can get pulled out or fall out if brushing too hard. LOL. I personally get a sew-in. And with the glue it is hard to wash out.

And if u buy good (expensive) hair u wont need to put anything on it to keep it from drying out. Buy hair that is $40 and up and u wont have any problems with it.

Hair Extension Care?

African Americans do not use oil to maintain their extensions they use mouse, and you will use mouse to maintain yours. Also, the best way to put your extensions in is through the sewing process. The hair is cornrolled and then weaved, or sewed into the cornrow. The hair that you will be using is synthetic, it is advertised as human however, unless you pay 100.00 dollars or more for the hair, it is symthetic. So, you can not wash it everyday. Actually, you can not wash it at all. Causian hair can be washed everyday, to rid oil. However, symthetic hair doesn't have it. Good luck.

Some good clip-on hair extension stores...?

...preferably in the Glendale, CA area? ... I've tried looking on the internet for some but can't find the right store that has what I'm looking for.

I want hair extensions for color streaks because my hair is too sensitive to dye and I'd really love some color in my hair. ^u^

I'm overall trying to obtain more of the "scene" hair style and so I need to layer my hair even more, unfortunately it's kind of on the thin side as it is. My plan is to get a decent amount of short layers at the top and have my hair thin down at the bottom going through more layers; then I want to get some long extensions of my natural hair color and add them to the sides of my head along with those colored streak extensions...

So any ideas where I can find a store with those kind of extensions?... =)

This is pretty much how I want my hair, just longer and different colored extensions...

Some good clip-on hair extension stores...?

Rebel REbel 鎷?0

Internatioale 鎷?

Hair extension question!!?

Okay, so I'm getting extensions this weekend. 12" or 14". My hair is currently black and really short.

I want my extensions to look like this:

I'm not sure. But I think that if I just put them in normally, it wont come out like that, But just long and normal.

Cause I want so as it goes down, it gets thinner.

How do I put my extensions (clip-in) so it looks like the pic?

Do I just put it one layer of extensions?

Is their a certain way?

Here is another pic of what I want:

Here is a pic of what I DONT want:

Hair extension question!!?

ok i actually use extentions all the time but the porbably will looke like that if your hair is shore because they thin out at the bodom just as an fyi make shure if you brush your hair to check them after sometimes they move funny after brushing

Hair extension question!!?

there's no certain way im getting my hair cut like that soon but alittle different and with clip in extentions you just add the extenstions in the that's all dont go higher then teo row above your ear


best of luck

Hair extension question!!?

Alright i've done this.

FIRST go get your haired very layered and very choppy.

You MUST do this to get nice results.

And tell them to make it noticable.

It MUST be razored.

Then, put your hair half up.

Take the extensions and glue them from behind ear to ear. Not on the skin, just on the roots of your real hair.

Even your Mom can do it for you.

My Grandmaw did mine lmao.

Also, use conditioner to get them out if you glue them and after you glue, use a thick hair spray right over the glue.


You can also go get them weaved in. Bring a picture and tell them you want that.

Hair extension question!!?

If you are doing it yourself it's much harder to get what you want. When I did mine we glued them in and then I took in a picture of what I wanted and had them cut and the stylist showed me how to keep them looking that way. My friend has very, very short hair and gets extensions all the time. She also puts them in and then has them cut into the style she wants. Good luck!

Hair extension consideration?

i hair which is just past my shoulders. and i used t have a fringe but its totaly grown out now and loots realy gross. i got my hair cut the other day but kept it without a fringe but it really looks disgusting and thin now. im considering geting extensions for my hair. not the clip in ones. a lady i know does it for 500 dollars australia for a full head. its not glued in so hopefully they will be ok. has anyone got hair extenions and can comment on how to look after thme and do they damage your hair at the end//


Hair extension consideration?

clip in extensions will not harm your hair, just make sure you take care of your hair %26amp; your extensions,

and DO NOT get glue in extensions, they fry your hair.

Hair extension consideration?

its a good Idea

u can use hair extension to make your hair look thicker and fuller

Hair extension consideration?

clip in extention will not harm your hair but most times you can see the clips where they are clipped in and 500 dollars is alot of money for clip ins. meanwhile they do do glue it extentions and they last much longer but the glue does damage the ahir, and on taking them out they leave the hair thinner than it was. but overall i do agree that extentions look really nice.

Hair extension consideration?

got hair extensions before...nthey were great for a while but as time went by... it became a probelm when i wanted to remove them.. had to cut the hair that they were attached to.. so do think carefully

Hair extension consideration?

I have hair extensions because i have naturally thin hair i get the glue ones tho and it costs me 200 pounds every 6 weeks and i would recommed them to any one i tried clip ins and they kept coming loose and fallin out

Human Hair Extension Color Blending ?!?

Hello all, my hair is between a 1b (off black) and a 2 (dark brown). I purchased human hair extensions in 2. I'm getting a hair weave soon and I'm concerned about color blending issues. My hair is just a little past my shoulders and I'm leaving the perimeter out and some out at the top. I'm REALLY stressing about this and I'm sure that I shouldn't. I've been thinking about doing a semi-permanent color for my hair, but since my hair is darker, I know it won't lift and I want to stay away from permanent hair color...not unless there's a REALLY good semi or demi permanent hair color on the market! :) So...I've attached a cell phone pic of my hair and the extensions. The quality might not be all that great, but you can see the slight color difference. I'd appreciate SERIOUS opinions only! Thanks in advance!

Human Hair Extension Color Blending ?!?

To me, your hair and the weave hair are very similar in color, except for the fact that the weave is shiny. After it is cut, curled, has product on it, etc., then it will look dull too. (no offense) Just let it wear out on it's on. What I used to do is wash the hair prior to getting it sewn in. That way, some of the excess dye is rinsed off of the track hair and it will leave you with the look that you want.

Human Hair Extension Color Blending ?!?

You could dye the extensions darker, instead of dying your own hair, to make it match.

Human Hair Extension Color Blending ?!?

You are comparing it to your true base color which is only the first two inches from the scalp. The ends of your hair is where your concern should be, and old hair always lightens two to three shades at the ends.

So don't stress, it will be fine.

Human Hair Extension Color Blending ?!?

they look very similar. you could try a semi but it will wash out eventually anyways. i would not lighten your hair i think that would be a bad idea. the color are so close in shades that i think they will blend in once they are put in. i put in ones that were 3 shades different and you couldnt really tell. dont stress it will be fine

Hair extension dying help!?

I have glue-in hair extensions - not fusions, but the ones that are glued to your scalp with a rubber-based glue. They've been in around two months, and naturally, within those two months, they've slipped down because my hair has grown. The glue has stayed in a couple of those spots. Now, I want to dye my hair (not bleach it), and I want to keep the extensions it because it will be quite impossible to take all of them out, dye my hair, buy new extensions to match, and, glue them back in. I really, really, want to dye my hair, and I was wondering if it will be safe to do so with the glue remnants in my hair? I know it most likely would not come out even, but that's really not my main concern, because the spots that are uneven would be covered. I was told by someone that the dye would remain in the spots with glue in them and break the hair? Does anyone else see this possibility? =/

Thanks for your help. %26lt;3

Hair extension dying help!?

The resin (glue) can be removed easily with acetone. You can get acetone from any hardware store. To remove you apply a little bit of Acetone to a cotton ball, enough acetone to make the cotton ball fell moisture. Hold the cotton ball around the section where the resin is for 30 - 40 seconds. Then slide the resin off the hair shaft. The acetone will do no damage to your hair, so there is no need to stress about that!

Hair extension dying help!?

You need to go see a beautician. Seems from reading your post, you have been terribly misinformed about the proper care and maintenance of your extensions. Don't try and do this yourself PLEASE!

Hair extension colour, please help?

Hi all, should i go a shade lighter or darker when getting hair extensions, as i cannot get a perfect match. I have very light blonde hair. Thanks

Hair extension colour, please help?

I would probably say a shade darker, if your own colour is not possible. As hair usually tends to be darker undernearth.


Hair extension colour, please help?

no you should go for the same color as your own hair.

Hair extension colour, please help?

as you cant put extensions on the top layer of hair they will be underneath maybe get black if your hairs blonde it will luk nice iand no dye needed. i used to have blonde on the top then black underneath and it luked nice only black dye fades quick so i got fed up x

Hair extension colour, please help?


Hair extension colour, please help?

hmm i think lighter but also you could do black on the bottom as somone else said .. i used to have dark brown hair with platnum blonde extensions %26amp; it looked really nice.

Hair extension colour, please help?

why dont you colour the extensions which ones are you having cause if its in the salon they should be able to match up if not buy the lightest ones then colour them yourself. take it from a hairdresser. xxx

Hair and extension colors?

I always have my hair colored in many colors and recently I've been interested in adding extentions in my hair. Now, the only problem is I can't find extensions in the color of my hair. What should I do? Should I dye my hair the color of the extensions I buy? Would certain types of hair extensions be able to be dyed in the color I want?

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about;

These girls [Ganguro girls] dye their natural hair and add alot of extensions. I want to know if there is any way that I would be able to find hair extenions in really different colors.

Thank You!

Hair and extension colors?

if you buy human hair extensions you can dye them, and i've done this before and it worked great.

also there are bright / unusual coloured hair extensions here

Hair and extension colors?

why would you want to look like those ugly girls?

Hair Extension Advice!?

I'm debating on whether or not it is worth it to save up to have extensions glued into my hair. I'm really uneducated about the process/effect it is going to have on my hair. How long do they last? How much does it cost to do it on your own? Is having them sewn/braided more safe? Thankyou :)

Hair Extension Advice!?

Glue = yuk! The process where they use glue is better used for temporary. Like photo shoots, events (dances, balls etc) or for a one week style without washing. Meaning, if you get the hair glued in you can not wash it. Otherwise they will slip out. Not only that when it is time to take it out, you have to be super careful, because it will take some of your hair out. Bond remover is recommended for at home removal so that the damage is less severe.

Braiding and sewing is a little safer because you can use synthetic hair in the braids and two, you can wash your hair. But, you have to be careful when cutting these out, as you can cut some of your hair too! This also will last longer too. the more you take care of them, the longer they last.

If you have an event and just want to glue them in yourself, you can get the glue from a beauty supply for about $1-$2 and using a human hair in a package from Outre or Milky way (about $20-25 a pack) can save you tons of money! You can also get clip-ins from beauty supply stores. This is a weft (track of hair) with sewn on that you can just clip where you want!

Extensions though can range anywhere from $10-$20 a track,$75-$200 a head in some African-American salons. Or some salons who don't specialize in it can charge up to $500 (ridiculous). Ask some salons in your area if they do "weaves" or "extensions" and shop around. Really and truly extensions have been around for a long time and anything over $200 is extreme.Some stylists charge a lot because of the quality of hair and the clientele they carry. Anytime you pay over that, it should be 100% Remy, Indian hair (some of the best) that is weighed and matched to you texture and it should be someone who has worked with weaves and stars often.

Hair Extension Advice!?

if you must get one, get real human hair.synthetic[from wat ive heard]sucks.why dont you just grow your hair out?

Hair Extension Advice!?

No don't honestly! They wreck your hair. Get clip ins at the most!x

Hair Extension Advice!?

If you aren't 100% sure about getting them glued in why don't you just buy a pair of clip in extentions for now and see how you like them, if you like the way your hair looks when your wearing them etc.

I personally think clip in extentions are easier because you can put them on and take them off when ever you please but i guess some people might not like that soo.

when you go to take out your glued in ones theres a good chance you will lose alot of your hair.

If you are willing to buy the clip in ones instead they are pretty cheap at Sally Beauty Supply + Jessica Simpson has a hair extention line and they are said to be pretty good, so maybe google that.

hope i helped :)

Hair Extension Advice!?

Ok personally do i think it's worth the money-NO. If they are glued into your hair-does that even sound good?? eventually you will have glue in your hair they fall out (and you never know when they will)-there is glue remover but it still damages your hair. extensions are a long process and very expensive. i wouldnt even attempt to do it yourself. it may sound easy, but its really not. having them sewn in with a braid-worst thing you could do to your hair. ive seen peoples braids and hair eventually fall out. if you decide to get extensions, the way to go is with the ones that are individually placed on pieces of your own hair. they are still pricey but they look more natural-still not good for your hair but healthier than the other ways. personally i know it takes alot longer....i would just let my natural hair grow.

Are there any salons in new york city that will give me one hair extension of a bright color?

I just want one and i dont want to dye my hair. I would come in and get a hair cut and also one maybe red or blue extension. Is that possible? and where?

Are there any salons in new york city that will give me one hair extension of a bright color?

You can find things like that at Ricky's or other novelty or costume shops. Most salons don't do that sort of thing. Ricky's are all over the city and carry a fair assortment of such things.

Where can I sell my never used Jessica Simpson hair extension piece???

I just bought the 21 inch human hair piece and spent almost 350 dollars on it!!! I never used it because I decided I don閳ユ獩 want to go the clip on extension way閳?the Jessica Simpson website doesn閳ユ獩 accept returns!!!! I want to sell it now

Where can I sell my never used Jessica Simpson hair extension piece???

Craigslist and if you do sell here it's best to just accept cash no money orders , checks even if its from their bank it could be frauds go check it out they have a page with their scam help guides. Also try some classifieds take care and I hope you get ur moolah! hehe!

Where can I sell my never used Jessica Simpson hair extension piece???

go to a beuty salon

Where can I sell my never used Jessica Simpson hair extension piece???

ebay most likely. Why on earth would you ever spend $350 on hair that was a celebritys?

Where can I sell my never used Jessica Simpson hair extension piece???

ebay is all i can think of. Try asking around to your friends also.

Where can I sell my never used Jessica Simpson hair extension piece???

amazon marketplace, ebay (there are even those places where you can drop off items to be listed on ebay for you and they take a commission), craigslist. You're best bet would probably be ebay, though.

How would you apply this hair extension in your hair?

i dont know anything about hair extensions but i need one thats under 10,and i need to know if they can go in the middle of the underneath of your hair?so like it looks like its soppuse to be way longer?and how do you apply this one in your hair?

How would you apply this hair extension in your hair?

That one needs to be bonded or woven into your hair, you will need to get it done by a professional.

Have you tried a clip in weave?

Where can I find a store that sells hair extension clips?

Does anyone know a store in Southlake, Texas that sells cheap hair extension clips? Maybe in the Grapevine area? Please list any places you know of, your comments are greatly appreciated! :)

Where can I find a store that sells hair extension clips?

i think claire's sells some..

Where can I find a store that sells hair extension clips?

sometimes jewelry shops

Where can I find a store that sells hair extension clips?

hair salon

Where can I find a store that sells hair extension clips?

If you have one there try a SALLY'S BEAUTY SUPPLY store they've even got the extensions

Where can I find a store that sells hair extension clips?

there's sally's beauty supply and other hair salons, but remember, you don't want to get them too cheap!

Where can I find a clip-in hair extension similar to Jess Simpson's Hairdo? But in a coarser le

She has two textures--wavy and straight. I want to get her wavy one, but recently realized it will look out of place on African-American/mixed race hair. Her wavy is just too wavy. Is there a clip on extension similar to hers, that is wavy, but not so wavy, more of a loose wavy?

Where can I find a clip-in hair extension similar to Jess Simpson's Hairdo? But in a coarser less wavy texture

Try International Wig's website. they have tons of different brands and great prices (I like Revlon products)

Where can I find a clip-in hair extension similar to Jess Simpson's Hairdo? But in a coarser less wavy texture

Find a hair salon that specializes in hair extensions in your area, and they should have hair there that you can buy, and they'll help you find the right match and clip it in for you too.

Where can I find a clip-in hair extension similar to Jess Simpson's Hairdo? But in a coarser less wavy texture

Yes I am multi racial too but I dont use extensions cuz my hair is long.... But go to and they have some links you can click on for other brands that offer extensions that would look better on other ethnic races besides caucasion.... GOOD LUCK!

Hair Extension ***Advice Needed***?

Weaved or Glued? Pros and Cons? Prices? Quality? Salons? Tips? I live in England. Also just wondering can you only have hair extensions glued or weaved into the bottom layer of your hair? Thanks for your help =]

Lola x

Hair Extension ***Advice Needed***?


Glued... : weaving them can cause them to pull your hair out "IF" you brush too hard or sometimes sleep the wrong way and are hard to keep clean! and are a ***** and a half to take out!

Hair extensions are washed and treated the same way as youdo your natural hair. Hair extensions do tend to wear out with normal wash and wear. As your hair grows, this will tend to affect the extensions. It is recommended that you used high quality gentle hair care products to encourage a long life for your extensions.

How Much are Extensions\

between 300 and 1200 dollars, depending on if its synthetic or real hair, and the method they put them in. whehter it be weaving, glue, rods so on and so fourth!

Removing The Extension

Removal of hair extensions can be done by the professional that applied them or can be carefully removed at home. You can remove hair extensions by twisting the tiny braided attachments and then gently snapping the seal.

Disadvantages Of Hair Extensions

It is a well known fact that hair extensions can do damage to your natural hair. The glue that is attached to your natural hair can burn and split the ends of your hair. This means that you will almost always be required to have the ends of your hair cut after the extensions are removed.

Also, if a lot of long or heavy extensions are added, this applies additional pressure to your scalp. One of the dangers of extra pressure to your scalp can be a thinning of your natural hair. In some cases there have been reports of headaches from the added weight of the hair or allergies to the bonding glue that is used. Everyone is different and will react to hair extensions in a different way. They are not necessarily good or bad. It depends on a number of factors that you have to consider.

If you are trying to grow your hair long, you might want to think seriously of the potential damage the hair extensions could do to your long hair quest. However, if you only would like a new look for a few months and are prepared to lose some inches along with the extensions, they can be a great solution.

The best advice is to find an expert at hair extensions and discuss all the pros and cons of the instant hair look.

Advantages to extensions

Hair extensions can be a lot of fun if you are aware of the risks and the procedures. If you get good advice and find a professional who is skilled at extensions here are some of the advantages you can enjoy:

1. You have an instant new look that is fairly easy to care for once it is applied.

2. You can change the look at any time and know that the long hair has a limited life cycle.

3. You can have an intricate patterns of different colors or beads added to the extension without additional damage to your hair.

4. You can try the look and feel of long hair before you decide to invest a lot of time and energy growing your own.

Hair Extension ***Advice Needed***?

You shouldnt get them period. they damage hair really bad..if you want your hair to grow fast take biotin vitamin avoid hot tools and use FAST shampoo and conditioner just type it into the computer and you have to order it online!

Hair Extension ***Advice Needed***?

i want to get extentions too!

i have never had them though

i hear that real human hair is the best kind to get but they can be pricey and u have to upkeep them

i head that it is like at least 200 dollars for good ones....(i don't know if this is true though)

i would go with clip ins (im not quite sure what they are but i think that u put them in and take them out when you want to)

if u want something more permanent go for the salon ones but be prepared to spend a lot of money

i can't give u salon names or anything because i don't live in england... srry

Hair Extension ***Advice Needed***?

Neither...get the clip in ones. They are fabulous and much less of a hassle. Plus they wont damage your hair! They look just as fantastic! I am a fan of the Jessica Simpson line. Go to me you will love it! You can order right off the comp. and if you are unsure of color, you can get a color ring for like ten bucks.

Has anyone tried jessica simpson's hair extension HairDo? Does it really work?

I have seen commercials and looked online at the HairDo extension product. wanted to know how it looks and does it really work? is it easy to put in and take out? do you think this product is for african american women (my hair is straightened)?

Has anyone tried jessica simpson's hair extension HairDo? Does it really work?

I ordered them but sent them back. The color was way off and they were super shinny. Also the cap is rather big. I actually am wearing them in my pic, they look good from far away but not up close. They need to be brushed a lot too, because if you move them around to much they tend to clump in sections. I think the darker colors would possibly look alright though. It takes about 2 mins to put them in, its super easy. As for African American hair, the extensions tend to feel and look like barbie hair, so it might not blend well with your own hair. If you are going to order them, you should go through hsn because they have the money back guarantee and all you will loose is 5 dollars for shipping if you don't like them. Good Luck!

Has anyone tried jessica simpson's hair extension HairDo? Does it really work?

I ordered these and thought they felt like Barbie hair - Extremely Shiny also- ALSO - neither of the two styles or colors I ordered were anything close to a match for me.

You can always return it.

Easy to put in and take out - just fake looking/feeling

Has anyone tried jessica simpson's hair extension HairDo? Does it really work?

Well if your hair is pitch black, I am sure it will look very natural on you. They just clip in, so they are easy to take out! They can really add some style and volume to your hair.

Where is a good reasonably priced Hair Extension Supply Store (not website) in SoCal? Like to c wat

Hair Extension Supplies

Where is a good reasonably priced Hair Extension Supply Store (not website) in SoCal? Like to c wat I'm buying

Where in SoCal? There are several around. My friend is a hairdresser that specializes in extensions and braids; she either goes to Fam Mart (on Euclid) or this one on the corner of college and university (sorry, I forgot the name). I like the Fam Mart personally.

Where is a good reasonably priced Hair Extension Supply Store (not website) in SoCal? Like to c wat I'm buying

not to be politically incorrect, but you need to go to the "black-demographic cities". Inglewood and Long Beach have beauty supplies on almost every and any corner. i used to live in west covina, and there was a place out that way. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the area, but it's on Francisquito and Sunset. here's their info:

Sunset Beauty Supply %26amp; Salon

1324 West Francisquito

West Covina, Ca 91790


they do pretty good hair there too. if you want to get a weave, ask for tenisha, she's the best one there. hope this helps you!!! =)

Dominican or Brazilian hair extension knots in NYC???

I am looking for a hari salon or stylist that knows how to do the hair extension method that consists of tying the extension hair onto your own hair securely with thread. I have heard it referred to as Dominican knots and also Brazilian knots. I am in Brooklyn NY, but willing to travel anywhere in the 5 boroughs to have this done for a special event. Thanks in advance for your help!

Dominican or Brazilian hair extension knots in NYC???

maybe uptown has some

Dominican or Brazilian hair extension knots in NYC???

If you are still looking....I'm from CT and there are there girls here that do it. They live in the bronx. They also told me that you can get the hair and get it done on westcherster Ave in the bronx.....I'm interested in this method, so if you found out anything, let me know Report It

Has anyone bought Jessica Simpson's hair extension products?

i want to buy the HairDo Clip In 15" Wavy Hair Extension, how many pieces would you need to buy for your hair to look really natural ?is one piece enough or do you need 3 or 4?

Has anyone bought Jessica Simpson's hair extension products?

I have bought the jessica hair extentions (i have the longer one) and you only have to buy one of them to cover your whole head the inside it is like a shower cap (you use about 15% of your real hair the front part and you pin up the other 75% of your hair into the cap). They work really well, the only problem that I have is I bought the wrong color, it is really pretty, the curls are really pretty and they stay, I'm actualy going to buy another one once I can save up the money agin...

Has anyone bought Jessica Simpson's hair extension products?

yup they rocks my pussy!but your period blood to nourish!

Has anyone bought Jessica Simpson's hair extension products?

i would use 2 pieces to give it a natural look

Has anyone bought Jessica Simpson's hair extension products?


I have been dealing with hairpiece companies for three decades.. Seen them all!

They all work about the same.. small clips that attach to your hair. I don't think the ones she is endorsing are any better than any of the others.

As far as how many? Well, how big of an area needs to be covered? Seriously, if your head is bigger then you need more. They also come in human hair and synthetic. If you are putting these on with your own hair over them remember that human hair will need to be set. the synthetic hair get frizzy after a while using them and special care needs to be used.. Why not go and buy a fall or a half wig.. ? Just an idea. Ponytails are fun too.

It takes time getting use to that added weight on your head and if not clipped on securely they can slide or fall off. Also, don't get in a windy area, or your secret may be out....And if it doesn't match then it will be obvious...good luck with them.

What is the best clip on hair extension on the internet?

My hair is very thin and boring. I think I could use the clip-on hair extensions. I've been doing research on the internet and I found that there are lots of clip on hair extensions sellers worldwide! Anybody ever purchased any clip on hair extension online? Anybody can recommend any online shop? How about the I found the products there are cheaper than most of others. I'm trying to find my self the high quality remi human hair with the best price on the web. Anyone can help????

What is the best clip on hair extension on the internet?

My friends and I always use as they offer really nice Remi hair and have alot of hair in the sets. Also, they have a really nice human hair Remi one piece clip in that I just purchased and it is the same one that Jessica Simpson sells for $500 and it is only $200. They do have the best prices but also give you the quality for your money. I believe they are wholesalers.

What is the best clip on hair extension on the internet?

don't waste your money on that!!

buy a weave /weft of hair from ebay and sow your own clips on!!

look on ebay for weaves of hair,

they even have some already sown on alot cheaper than that site if you really can't be bothered sowing your own.

Looking for SW Houston hair extension salon?

Can someone recommend a salon in southwest Houston which does extensions? And what type of extension would you recommend? Should I buy the hair online and bring it in to a salon? I'm new to this game so any recommendations are appreciated.

Looking for SW Houston hair extension salon?

This is one of my favorite resources for the type of information you are looking for:

Does anyone knows a hair extension/salon place named ARC at downtown Vancouver of BC??

or any other hair extension place that's professional and gd hair quality u rec at downtown vancouver BC?

Does anyone knows a hair extension/salon place named ARC at downtown Vancouver of BC??

No. It'd be faster for you to get an answer if you searched it or looked in a phone book.

Does anyone knows a hair extension/salon place named ARC at downtown Vancouver of BC??

no no no

Does anyone knows a hair extension/salon place named ARC at downtown Vancouver of BC??

no, i have my own hair

Does anyone knows a hair extension/salon place named ARC at downtown Vancouver of BC??

Does anyone knows a hair extension/salon place named ARC at downtown Vancouver of BC??

ry the yellow pages:

There doesn't seem to be anything called Arc, but maybe you will see another

Should I get some hair extension or wait for it to grow out first?

How does hair extension works? Never had that done before or should I just let my hair grow out?

Should I get some hair extension or wait for it to grow out first?

they could either part your hair and glue the hair on your scalp,they can braid your real hair and sew the extensions into the braid, or they can snap pieces on the shaft of your head(its like a clamp) some even have combs

Should I get some hair extension or wait for it to grow out first?

I just got a lousy haircut and have been feverishly searching hair extension websites. There are SO many options. Look at some and ask a stylist. There are clips, ones with glue, ones you have sewn on, some with rings, there are 3/4 caps, pony tail clips, lord there are tons. Do a search on hair extensions.

Should I get some hair extension or wait for it to grow out first?

I would recommend if you do get hair extensions that you get a sew-in, when they braid your hair down and sew the tracks onto the braid, if this is your first time getting hair extensions. Try to stay away from using glue because that is a quick way to lose hair and it is not healthy for your hair.

Should I get some hair extension or wait for it to grow out first?

Do not get hair extensions unless you are looking for a big mess. Your hair will be damaged and it will be very hard to repair it and will take a long time. Just wait for your hair to grow out if you want it long.

Hair extension glue.Sticky oily problem?

I recently had extension for a few months.

My friend had doen them for me, and she would always reglue them in%26gt;.%26lt;

over the same glue.Which couldnt of been good.


last nght i used the remover to take them out, and most of the glue cam eout after hours of washing and oulling and combing and ripping:[

But there is still gross sticky glue in chunks of my hair, and its ahrd to get out.

Also its left my hair all sticky and oily.

How can i fix this mess?

Is there anyhting that i might have aorudn the house that i could use?

Hair extension glue.Sticky oily problem?

Go to a beauty supplies store like Sally's beauty supply and get a deep conditioning treatment or a cholesterol treatment and some processing caps. Leave it for about 20 minutes, use the hair dryer to heat in the beginning, then just wash it out. And next time you do extentions make sure you dont glue on top of glue..NOT GOOD!!!

Hair extension glue.Sticky oily problem?

Get some wax paper (paper towels or aluminum foil will do), a blow dryer and some cooking oil...and someone to help you.

Part the glued portion of your hair, into thin sections one at a time, on TOP of the wax paper, apply some oil to the affected section, and set the blow dryer on low (or higher heat, if needed) to melt it out, so it falls on the paper.

It might take some time, but to avoid losing hair, I'd do this myself.

After you've gotten out as much as possible, rinse your hair in a large bowl of vinegar and water to get rid of residue. The remoisturize your hair asap. -

Stay away from glued in tracks, especially if you're not going to follow the instructions. They are so you won't lose your hair...and I really hope you don't.


Where to buy clip hair extension in singapore?

I was browsing foreign magazine and saw they have clip in hair extension for back layer of hair connected together kind. Not the strand by strand kind, such that the back of hair get extended to very long hair. where can i get this kind of hair extension?

Where to buy clip hair extension in singapore?

Well sells them and alot but their expensive any where you go.

Get human hair ones theyre the best, you can do anythign with them.

But if you have a hair shop like a botique you can ask them

Or even a really good hairdressing salon, ask them where you can buy some. Goodluck

Where to buy clip hair extension in singapore?

we can supply you high quality hair extension.we are a professional hair supplier in China.Our site is can made you have the thick hair.If you are interested in our products,please contact us.

yours sincerely


Are there nickel free/sterling silver hair extension clips?

I wear clip in hair extensions and have been wearing them for almost a year now. My scalp is starting to itch the way my neck would when I'd get a rash from jewelry that's not sterling silver or nickel free. I can feel little bumps like a rash in the places I clip in the extensions and it gets so irritated that when I've scratched it once, I had blood under my fingernails. Now, It's not as terrible and gross as it sounds! It really isn't. But I dont want it to get a lot worse so I was wondering if anyone knows of any extension clips that are nickel free or sterling silver.

It would help me so much!!

I would get my extensions sewn in but that's very expensive to maintain.

Are there nickel free/sterling silver hair extension clips?

ok no dont get glue-in!! it could be the clip it self get some from sally's!!

Are there nickel free/sterling silver hair extension clips?

Try getting the type of extensions that are glued in.

Are there nickel free/sterling silver hair extension clips?

I know you asked about clips but there are some tie in extensions. Also, plastic clips aren't as professional looking but they are sold. Other than that upon my research I didn't find anything. Sorry and good luck!

How to dying clip in hair extension?

I was thinking about buying some clip in hair extensions.If I do I was going to dye them.How would I go about dying clip in hair extension.if u could give me step by step.thanks a million

How to dying clip in hair extension?

I think if u brought 100% human hair.u could dye it any colors u want

How to select a wholesale human hair extension supplier?

I am opening an online wig and hair extension boutique. I need to purchase synthetic and human hair extensions such as, Clip in's, Drawstring ponytails, hair for weaving and braiding, Demi falls, Barrettes and hairclips. I would like to get my supplies from a dealer in the US to save time and shipping cost.

Is there anyone in the biz who can recommend any good trustworthy online wholesale sites? You input would be greatly appreciated :)

How to select a wholesale human hair extension supplier?

If you are looking for Human Hair Extensions you coulld contact for Indian Remy Hair Extensions. I know that they have a wholesale package for business owners.

How to select a wholesale human hair extension supplier?

Search in salehoo.

How to select a wholesale human hair extension supplier?

I have Russian Virgin extensions. I've had the same ones for over a year and they are still just as shiney and beautiful. The double wefted style is thicker at the ends, I recommend that over the single weft. If you do hand tied, run superglue alond the weft to prevent thread shifting. I believe this guy does custom pieces too. Good luck!

How to select a wholesale human hair extension supplier?

that is an excellent did you ever think of that idea....and where are you me if you like....take care....bye

How to select a wholesale human hair extension supplier?


How can I get my clip in hair extension to blend with my hair better?

My hair is shoulder length and curly and my extension is human hair and straight. Its one whole extension that clips around the crown. I would like it curly like my hair so it blends better but even when I curl it with my spiral iron it still ends up straightening out. Any ideas?? Also, to get it to blend better, should I have it cut? Thanks!

How can I get my clip in hair extension to blend with my hair better?



How can I get my clip in hair extension to blend with my hair better?

straighten your own hair or get a curly extension

bear in mind that the longer the hair the less likely it is to keep a curl as it will be heavy

How do you different real human hair extension with synthetic ones?

I am going to get chip on extensions in the end of this week.

i need help from someone who can tell me how to different real human hair extension with synthetic hair extension when you are buying. So i don't get cheated by the seller.

Thank you. =)

How do you different real human hair extension with synthetic ones?

Everyone is right. Synthetic hair feels coarse and hard and usually is in a particular hair style. It usually frizzes more. Human hair feels soft and moves around a lot. It looks more natural than synthetic.

How do you different real human hair extension with synthetic ones?

Synthetic hair will melt with heat.

How do you different real human hair extension with synthetic ones?

Real hair you can curl and dye and they look natural.

Clip in fake hair extension?

i brought a clip in hair extension piece a couple of weeks ago,it is fake hair and i know not 2 put heat on it but woundering if there was any way you can wash them??

thanks xxxx

Clip in fake hair extension?

My wife has one! Wash it in warm soapy water, or shampoo. rinse it wll, and then add a tiny drop of fabric conditioner, and hang it up to dry naturally.

Clip in fake hair extension?

If it's human hair you can wash them putting on loads of conditioner to keep them soft and tangle free - but, if they are synthetic you need to just rub alittle oil into your hands and run it through the hair. I don't think you can wash them.


Clip in fake hair extension?

nup but you could try putting powder on it.. powder is a substance to use on hair when its oily try using a little for a test.

Clip in fake hair extension?

well bascally i bought them as well and yeh u wash them and u cn apply heat gud luck x

Clip in fake hair extension?

Synthetic extensions must be washed with specially designed products for synthetic hair, such as this care kit by Hair U Wear:

About hair extension?

Hi I wish to find out more about hair extension; the effects of it eg: loss of hair, etc.

I've got very fine and little hair by nature so I was thinking how many strands should I go for? %26amp; also which type of extension do you find best and recommendable?

About hair extension?

Hair extensions don't really make you loose hair. People think they do because of all of the hair they have shed over the period of time that they had the extensions. If they are applied wrong and by someone who doesn't know how to apply them they can damage your hair. If your going with pre-bonded a full head is anywhere from 150-200 strands. 100% human hair is the best.

About hair extension?

I recommend 100% human hair and bonding extensions. since your hair is thin make sure the amount of hair you put in matches the texture of your hair so it wont be lumpy and stick out. You also shouldn't put any in the front keep your natural hair down over the extensions that way you won't have to worry about breakage in the front. Good luck.

About hair extension?

Extensions are applied several ways:

Tracks of hair can be glued to the base of your hair and can last a few days to weeks depending on how careful you are with them. You remove these by soaking the area with conditioner or hair glue solvent and gently pulling them away. You may cause breakage if you are not careful when you remove them.

Tracks of hair can be sewn to an on-the-scalp braid (cornrow) on the underside of your hair. These can last weeks to a month or more. The longer you leave these in, the more likely your hair is to break inside the braids as your hair is brushed and styled.

Newer extensions are available in small bundles that are either fused to your hair with glue or small clamps. Both options are least likey to cause noticeable breakage or hair loss.

Larger tracks of hair are now available in clip-in style extensions. These are the least likely to cause breakage. These are a good way to try extensions since they involve no glues or clamps.

Seek the advice of a pro at a local salon... most offer complimentary consultations. Or, check out - the Sally Beauty Supply Store carries a wide range of all types or hair extensions and is a good place to start!

Best of luck!

About hair extension?

Try home remedies at

Long hair human extension?

where is the best site to buy real human hair extension?

Long hair human extension? or

Long hair human extension?

if we travel ro nigeria we buy " expression" it is a good hair ext. that is my only opinion because i dont know where to find one in canada

Long hair human extension?

Extensions plus has the best hair!!! It's expensive but worth every penny.

They carry ALL hair types.

Is weaved hair and or hair extension safe?

I have kind of curly hair..up to my shoulders and I wanted to put some hair extension which I would dye and highlight...Is it safe? what is the best brand? Would you happen to know any good salons in Montreal? Please help!!!!!!!! this is soooooooooooooooooooooo important.

Is weaved hair and or hair extension safe?

Are you only adding the extensions for color? You do not want to color the extension, you would purchase the color you want. Find the extension tech first. They will have the best source for buying the hair you want. This is an expensive venture, up to several thousand dollars U.S. I would book a consultation and talk to the tech. They will talk to you about the hair, the process, the cost and the best way to care for the hair. Cheap hair will break, tangle and literally be a headache. Since your hair is already shoulder length I'm not sure this is the right option for you. If you only want to add pieces for color effect try Great Lengths extensions. The hair is excellent and for only a few streaks it would not break the bank.

Is weaved hair and or hair extension safe?

Yea....jes make sure you trust the people doing it.....its alot of time and money....good luck send me pictures!!

Cheap Hair Extension Clips(-ons) in Sydney, Australia?

I'm looking for hair extension clip-ons, cheap ones that are good quality. Which shop(s) can I go to in Sydney, Australia? Preferably somewhere around Carlingford.

Cheap Hair Extension Clips(-ons) in Sydney, Australia?

Here is an excellent site with some wonderful options 4 U.

Cheap Hair Extension Clips(-ons) in Sydney, Australia?


you can do anything with weevs

Hair extension&stylist inVA? i want haitr extensions like coon tails and leopard prints or just in colors.

where can i get hair extension and a good scene hair salon in virginia?

and do they sell hair extension in stores?

Hair extension%26amp;stylist inVA?

Hello, I am a hair stylist. You can go to a beauty supply store and get extensions. You can look in the phone book or go to and search "beauty supply stores" in your area. If you are looking for something very specific, I suggest you call and ask if they carry it and not waste your gas. Usually if there are a lot in one area, they either all carry different things and/or all have different prices. If the salon you go to specializes in extensions, they will probably schedule a consult and order the extensions for you. Check with your salon before you make any purchases. Hope this helps!

Please help I'm having hair extension problem...?

well i want to get some hair extensions but theres alot of diffrent types...a know some off them but i dont kno with ones are better n will look more real...can u give me sum names of extension that are good n also can u tell me how that extention is put on the head like for example the glue extention are glue 2 ur hair...n do they cut ur hair because my friend got them n when she took them of her hair was shorter...she had the brade ones...thanx again n happy valentine day!!! please help me

Please help I'm having hair extension problem...?

When your getting extensions you want to make sure you go to a professional. I can not say this enough. The best advice is to use the internet there are tons of msg boards where people will recomend a stylist. As for the extenions it depends on how much money you want to spend. The gluing is the cheepest way and its not glued to your hair. If done right the stylist will part your hair and glue it to your scalp. You can also getit sewn in. The stylist will braid your hair into small braids and sew the track (extensions) onto your hair. If you really want to go for the best you need to go for the cold Fusion. Its expensive usually it depends on your natrual hair (length, and volume) and your desired final length. The price runs 1000 to 1500 but you maybe able to find itcheeper. Cold Fusion is the most natrual looking extensions. These extensions are attached to your hair with polymer bonds near the root in small sections. The bonds are rolled around the hair sections forming a round seal. The bond is then is folded around the sections making the individual sealed bonds small, smooth and flat. this is attached to your natrual hair but you will not be able to see that you have extensions.This last 3 to 6 month. A solution is then applied to release the bonds and the hair comes off. This is the type of extensions Halle Barry and Cameron Diez use. I personally have used the glue and when done right it looks pretty good for an affordable price.So theres some info good luck.

Please help I'm having hair extension problem...?

just let grow

Please help I'm having hair extension problem...?

I just had the glue ones put in my very short hair and boy did they look like the real thing!! Fooled everyone. I hated them after about ten days. Too snarly. You brush them out and in five minutes they are a tangly snarly mess. I took them out myself with a blow dryer. Just grab some blow hot hair on them for about ten seconds and the whole thing glue and all.... slides out very easy. No need to cut or use glue remover. If I ever do extensions again it will be the clip in ones. Take them out each night and no headaches. You would have better control of the snarls. Right now I go to the web and I have purchased 5 of their hair pieces. They are the bomb. I flat iron my very curly hair and pop one of the pieces on and I instantly have gorgeous hair to my butt!!!

I will NEVER do permant hair extensions again. I love the clip on 30" hair pieces from Look of Love. Good luck with your decision. Remember knowledge is power!

P.S. After just one wash of permanent hair extensions they NEVER look as good as when you first get them.

Please help I'm having hair extension problem...?

I've had four kinds.. clip-ins, briads, microbeads, and glue-ins... All of them were horrible accept the braids.. They were definatly the best, the microbeads slipout, the glue-ins come unglued, and the clip-in have to be applied daily.. the briads move with the growth of your hair, after they grow about two inches off your head you can go back and have them tightened without getting new hair. They do not really cut your hair, they just trim it so it looks natural and not blocky, I'm gonna warn ya though the braids feel weird for like the first two days, and then you get used to them... good luck!

If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself?

I did the hair extension myself because of price. They look good, but my hair is just a little darker then the extensions. I would like to dye my hair anyways and now that I ahve the extension I don't even know now if I can dye my hair. If I can what kind of hair dye?? If it is possible..and keep in mind price.

If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself??

it all depends on what type of extensions you used. If you used synthetic hair then I wouldn't recomend dying the them. If you used real human hair you're all set. They can be treated the exact same way as your hair. I suggest using a demi permanent color only because they don't have the harsh chemicals like permanent dyes do, that way you wont cause too much damage to the extensions

If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself??


If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself??

Not a good idea. May look good in theory, but the dye does not turn out to be the same color on your natural hair as it will show on extensions. You need to check with professional about this.

If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself??

you can but it would make it worse take them out wash and conditoin you hair dye your hair use nice and easy or go to the beauty supply or ching chong shop and get the wash in color leave in for 6 minutes and shampoo out if you have to press you r hair do so that it will match the extiesion and go on should work

If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself??


If I have hair extensions and want to dye my hair.. Can I dye my hair and the hair extension myself??

What "butterfly_kisses395" said except you should use a deep conditioner and/or a hot oil treatment on the extension hair because dying it tends to make it rougher and less manageable.. A semi permanent color is the ticket! I've done it before and it works great, just make sure that you keep it off the line where the extensions and your hair meet, because it can cause them to come out.

Hair extension help! How to? What kind? Sewn in?

Okay, I am looking to put in hair extensions that I can curl or at least blow dry into a style. I do not want to have to glue my hair or put in braids. I want to know if I could just sew some hair into my hair. What kind of extension hair is needed to put a little bit of an under curl in it, not like big Jessica Simpson hair or anything. I have seen some extensions that are already sewn together in like a track. Anything you could help me with would be much appreciated! Thanks for your time.

Hair extension help! How to? What kind? Sewn in?

You can try clip in extensions. They come in a variety of textures whether wavy curly or bone straight. You can try They sell clip extensions that are wavy so that would give you an under curl. If you want to blow dry and use a curling iron make sure you buy the human hair clip extensions. You cant use a blow dryer on the synthetic ones, that is why they are cheaper. You can put the clip extensions in yourself and believe me it is NOT hard. The website has instructions and you can call them and they will tell you. Hope it works out!

Hair extension help! How to? What kind? Sewn in?

yes if you go to a black hair supply beauty store they can match you with some hair, tell them that you want the sew in weave and they will help you......! you can get sewed in weave but you are going to have to search for a salon that does that, your best bet is to go and get it done at a black hair salon oppose to a white because ........well just because. :) but yeah it can be expensive, it will hurt, but it will last for a long time

Hair extension help! How to? What kind? Sewn in?

The hair that you've seen is weaving hair, which is the sort of hair you would use. (The other hair is referred to as bulk.) The only way to put in extensions is to either braid your natural hair and then sew the wefts onto the braid or glue them in (either through the basic bonding technique or some sort of fusion). So, there's no way around it. I suggest braiding its much better for your hair.

Hair extension help! How to? What kind? Sewn in?

seriously, don't glue, sew, or do anything like that to your hair. it will seriously damage it unless you are like Jessica Simpson who can pay thousands for the best hairstylist. i am extensions queen,lol. i was gluing them in and it tore my hairto shreads. if you're caucasian be extra careful because caucasian hair is thin. i say buy you a nice wig thats already styled. its better for your hair, it will keep you warm for the winter (lol), and it will prevent you from adding hair products to your hair. when your hair is in its natural state it grows better, thats why when people get dreads their hair grows faster. i got some extensions in april and they tore 4 inches off, i wore wigs up until last month. i kept my hair natural and washed it every now and then because you tend to sweat under those wigs. now my hair is past my shoulders again. try a wig, its so convienant when you're on the go as well.

Hair extension help! How to? What kind? Sewn in?

clip on hair extensions are way better and they donot damage the hair you can put then in and take them out when you want and sew on weave only hurts if the person is braiding to tight get human hair clip on extensions so you can wash and style you can even do it your self you donot need a stylist , plus you can buy the weave and buy the clips and the thead and sew them on your self its very easy i do them my self when i want a bit of fullness

hope this help good luck

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

This is a follow up to my questions:




1. Fitted a full head of extensions

2. 10 days later she started complaining about quality of hair (but i have in writing from her that my workmanship was good) with threats of court action

3. contacted supplier and they said hair needs to be sent to them and analysed to determine where the fault lies.

4. saw a solicitor and drew up a proposal to remove hair and send for anaylsis, have sent to client.

5. client is now saying she doesn't want my help anymore and is going to take me to court. She is now suddenly saying that also as i cut her hair to blend in it will look awful without the extensions! (She happily paid for the service and also saw hair before it was out in)


Thank You :-)

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

The answer to your actual question is yes she can. The answer to your implict question is no, she won't.

Claims against hairdressers by disgruntled clients are a hazard of the profession, it seems.

I don't think she will sue you, not least of all because I'd be amazed if she could get any representation, but if she does you should not hesitate in defending the claim using the written agreement as your principal defence.

Unless she was physically injured, any claim lies in breach of contract, which would be limited to the cost you charged her for the extensions being fitted.

Has she removed them or had them done elsewhere? If not, you can be sure she's just trying it on.

The law does not provide her a recourse just because she later decided she does not like them, any more than if she decided she did not like her dress and sued the shop that sold it to her.

As long as the extensions were done competently, you've nothing to worry about, don't let a little court case (of low value and with no costs consequences) bother you.

You may find it an canny investment to reply to any letters from her with a solictor's letter from you.

That should give her pause for thought.

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

how pathetic. You have offered to resolve this, and taken the appropriate action. Let her take you to court, they will see the letter saying your work was great. the court'll throw it out. Her loss.

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

you have done your best to help her so i would sit back and wait to see if she does pursue it as she is probably only waiting for you to give her compensation. keep all evidence of your efforts to rectify the problem just in case it goes to court but dont let it get you down

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

She can proceed with a Court action against you, but as you have a statement from her to the effect that she was satisfied with the workmanship etc. it seems unlikely that she will win the case. If she loses, then you can ask the court for damages plus your expenses in attending Court especially as you are away from your workplace to attend to this matter.

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

When a client goes to a hairdresser and arranges to have a treatment they are entering into a contract with the hairdresser for the supply of their professional services and, occasionally, for the supply of goods (purchasing of a hair dye or perming solution). Hairdressing is therefore subject to the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 which requires that it be carried out with reasonable care and skill. Hairdressers also owe clients a common law duty of care to undertake their work with the skill and care expected from a reasonably competent person in their profession. Hence, when injury is caused to a client as a result of a trip to the hairdresser, a claim is normally brought in both tort and contract.

Establishing liability claim should, in theory, be a straight forward process. The starting point in all such cases being that hair extensions or hair treatments generally do not ordinarily cause people to suffer damage. Therefore there is a strong implication from the outset that the treatment has been carried out negligently. However, as with all claims the key to success is having the evidence to prove your case.

The case here does not apepar to be that damage has been caused as a result of the treatment, but rather that it was not up to the standard she expected and as such I can see little merit in her claim - although the solicitor you saw has not particularly helped matters. By agreeing to have the samples examined by the suppplier you suggest that fault lies somewhere. If that is so and, if that was reasonably forseeable, then you may be in trouble as a reasonably competent hairdresser being aware of the possibility of an undesirable result being caused by the product used, has a duty to inform the customer.

You should have remained silent and allowed her to prove her claim. The cost of evidencing such a claim would, at the very least, involve a forensic trichologist and would be disproportionate to the claim. She certainly will not be entitled to legal aid and I am doubtful wheher a 'no win, no fee' would assist her because of the low economic value of her claim.

You should write a 'without prejudice' letter inviting her to have a similar treatment at no cost, in full and final settlement of her claim. A paragraph referring the right to refer the letter to the attention of the court in respect of costs, if she pursues a claim, should add some costs presure to settle the claim amicably. Do not send any other letters or agree to anything else. The more you do, the bigger the hole you are digging, will become.

In keeping with the development of a litigious society, some hairdressers are now making clients sign a disclaimer form before undergoing treatments, these forms excluding or restricting liability for personal injuries sustained as a result of various treatments. In accordance with section 2(1) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 such agreements are invalid in respect of any personal injuries sustained as a result of negligence on the part of the hairdressers. However, such disclaimers may prevent those clients who, through no fault of the hairdresser, have an adverse reaction to a product, or are not happy with the treatment received, from successfully bringing a claim for damages.

I have had a look at the additional e-mail inquiry you have posted. It is rather curious that your client, or former client as the case may be, would ask you for the details of your solicitor and company registration number whilst stating that her solicitor has asked for them. I know not of any solicitor who would instruct a client to obtain information on their bahalf. I would suggest that she does not have a solicitor at all and if she does, he is certainly not acting on her behalf.

As I have said, offer a further treatment, or a discount towards a further treatment as a gesture of goodwill and leave it at that. Do not respond to her spurious requests for information. She has no right to them. Refer her to your insurers and refuse to answer any further queries.

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

If you genuinely have done the best work you could, and you have public liability insurance, then let her sue.

She will not win.

Hair Extension Court Threat With Client !! Solicitors welcome to answer!?

Sounds like a case for Judge Judy. Oh, by the way, you can take anyone to court for anything. For example, a burgular breaks into your house and injures himself in the process, he can sue for damages. Go figure........................

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

i wanna buy a piece of human hair extension, where can i get them cuz all the store i've been to they only have a whole pack, which costs 70$ and i dont need that much, i only need one or two..!

help me

and i live in Knoxville, TN.

anyone there can help me ????

thanks in advance.

p.s: dont answer like "stupid" "jst be yourself" cuz it jst wastes your time. thanks

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

um dont u have like a local hair store like a beauty supply store because there u can get it for like 15-20 $ depends on the length

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

sally's beauty shops have them. and they are cheap too

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

Look around still...Search in more beauty supply stores...or salons...dont give up. Or ask some friends.

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

i wanna buy a piece of human hair extension,BLAH BLAH BLAH

my mom got them and they are a HORRIBLE idea they make your head STINK like DEAD DECAYING DOG or RAT POOP it just undiscribable its the most nasty thing ive ever smelled so, please don't waste your money on something that will make you feel bad cuz the smell wont wash out. =P=P=P

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

Visit They have everything and then some for the most reasonable prices...from my girl to you... and her hair extensions are always looking sharp and the prices are good enough that she changes her hair styles every month!

Hair Extension HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!?

Hair extension ? ?

is there any curly hair extionsions? ( the one you weave in to your head)

what happens if i leave the hair in and never go back to the hair salon what happens to my hair then?

how much does it normally costs?

Hair extension ? ?

ooh hai!

theres this like totally good website called its CRAZY!

Hair extension ? ?

If you do real human hair extensions you can curl them yourself. And if you just leave the hair in and NEVER go back you're risking losing that hair on your head. If you're getting them sewn in the braids will eventually loosen and you will pull and get your brush stuck on them a lot.

Cost is a whole different story. You usually have to buy your own hair and needle. Then you either pay by the hour or by the track.

call a salon

Hair extension ? ?

of COURSE! There are every type of hair extensions you can think of! Where have you been? If you leave the weaving in too long it will get tangled in with the new growth of your hair. You can have someone cut it out for you or going to the salon to remove it would be best. After a while thread and a braid won't last that long.

A whole head full of extensions(braided in) would be from about $160-$200

glued would be around $100

Hair extension ? ?

you can't leave hair extensions in forever. you're not supposed to leave them in longer than a couple of months, because they pull on your own hair. it will do extreme damage to it to leave it in for months, so don't even think about leaving them in forever unless you want to go bald.

not to mention the fact that your hair gets kind of dirty and greasy where they are put in, because you can't wash your hair that well in those areas, so dirt and even shampoo gets built up around it.

there are curly hair extensions. if you get the human hair, you can get straight, wavy, or curly. you just have to specify. cost is going to vary greatly depending on the type and quality of hair you get, the hair stylist, how much hair you get put in, your race, etc.

Hair extension???

HEy, would anyone happen to know how much the hair extensions would cost at Sallys Beauty shop? What is the cheapest price for at least 10 inch???

Hair extension???


Hair extension???

30 bucks for the cheapest. theyre 18 inches.

Hair extension???

check the website. i got clip in ones for 60 but they are longer. the free hair is cheaper

Rihanna 's Hair extension?

Can any one tell me what type of hair extension does Rihanna have in her hair, I'm talking about the curly hair.

Rihanna 's Hair extension?

goto a hairdresser and ask them

Rihanna 's Hair extension?

i dont know the types sorry. can u tell them to me, so i can figure it out for u! ^^

good luck

Rihanna 's Hair extension?

Rihanna doesn't have extensions, it's her real hair. She is from the islands and she uses some hair care products to keep her hair healthy and strong.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

If you food company that you work no follow any regulation,what would you do?

Crosscontamination, Human(all kind) hair in the product, some other things you don't want to know

If you food company that you work no follow any regulation,what would you do?

Make an anonymous report. Since we are talking food, you could be putting many lives at stake. Look at the cat food recall from China. All becuase food handeling regulations were not being followed.

If you food company that you work no follow any regulation,what would you do?

Report them to the health department, call the news and quit working there. Who ARE they? Please share.

If you food company that you work no follow any regulation,what would you do?

Report them to the health department.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

Has anyone ever conjured him or seen him- not in the beast form(not traditional red body and pitchfork), rather his human form: Blond hair, blue eyes and white toga?

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

yeah- but he said he was tired of the blond jokes and so now he is a red head! - looks good on him

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

Go to "JoyofSatan" group. That's how they describe him.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

no, but i don't think i want to.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

No, I've seen Santa. He had White hair, blue eyes and red outfit.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?


This is because THERE IS NO DEVIL!!!

It is all man made crap!!!

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

Yes... when I look in the mirror.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

...I just look in the mirror...

All the things that describe the devil and the anti-christ fit me almost I guess I don't have to go far to find him

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

I have read where some have seen him. but I don't think he was as you described.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

Not seen but felt real Evil. It is a long story, but it was not a dream, happened more than once, and it was witnessed by someone else. Never want to talk/think, or anything about it ever again.

PS - and I don't believe in anything I don't ...experience

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

Yea, it was in 1971, and I was stoned on acid. Scared me to death. Then I met the Lord in a powerful experience, jumped around with a lot of Protestants, then I returned to the Church Jesus founded, the Catholic Church.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

Noo! Lucifer is woman, and she has long black hair and blue eyes!

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

I know a Luciferian that says he has.

Anyone ever see Lucifer in the spirit?

I,ve seen Him, Hes all black, black wings. He opened them Up pried fully as He showed them to me, face barely Can remember, His nails were about 5 inches long, Black nails. his face hard To explain, I remember But Can't describe It, once I new It was A Demon, I Attacked it But Woke Up. I'm demon Possessed Christian by the way. It could be just one of his sidekicks. That's all I Got.

Advanced theories why spiders defy gravity?

So, spiders(and others) have tiny hairs or scopulae that adhere to surfaces enabling them to 'stick' to walls and ceilings. What is so special about the hairs on spiders legs as opposed to humans? I have hair on my arms/legs/torso, so why can't I adhere to a vertical surface? Do spider's minute hairs/scopulae produce adhesive chemicals? Or is there something else that makes spiders follicles more anti-gravitational than human's?

Advanced theories why spiders defy gravity?

Perfect example for the misuse of the word theory. Not a single person answering this question could have a theory about spiders. Opinions yes, theories no. Theories are derived by testing hypothesis. Nobody answering this question is doing research on spiders and has reams of data to support their research.

Besides we know why insect, bugs and spiders can crawl up walls and hang upside down.

Advanced theories why spiders defy gravity?

Insect hairs, and geckos have similar ones, are a lot more stiff and brittle. Also, because they are so small (Think about 1% of a human hair), they are more easily able to grab into a surface.

Advanced theories why spiders defy gravity?

Well first of all the force of gravity is a function of mass as well, so being as small as they are, they already have a decided advantage in defying gravity. The tiny bristles also called setae are very stiff and often densely packed, thereby making a large surface area for adhesion. Most of these bristles are also electrically charged, thereby making an electromagnetic gradient as well, this especially helps when climbing glass. However the success of most insects and spiders is due to many morphological adaptations, one being apical claws and what are known as pulvilli. The claws make climbing rough surfaces very easy, and the pulvilli which are modified pads of those dense hairs mentioned earlier are great for adding more traction.

Hope this helps!