This is a follow up to my question:
* fitted a full head of extensions
* client started complainig about quality of hair (not workmanship) 10 days later
*client demanding replacement of hair and removal/re-fit FREE of charge
* As it stands, after speaking to supplier, i need to remove the hair and sedn to them for analysis.
*IF fault lies with client, no further action can be taken
* IF supplier is at fault, they have agreed to replace the hair for the client, BUT:
1. Am i obliged to re-fit the hair free of charge?
2. IF i am obliged to rectify it, after all the threatening emails i have been receiving, i am NOT prepared to re-fit.
If i offer a refund for the labour of the first fitting, can no further action be taken by the client because i have offered to refund (Rather than fit again)? Can i offer a refund instead?
Thank You.
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
the company which supplied the extensions should refund the price of the labour not you
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
I had extensions put in my hair, they were weaved in.. And on the same night on the Saturday, they were all loose. In 2 days, they're were nearly out of my hair. It was a complete joke. So by Monday, I took them back, explained I wasn't happy as I had paid a lot of money for them.
They gave me a refund on the extensions %26amp; recut my hair free of charge.
I think if your client wants a refund, she should be entitled to it IF the hair clearly shows poor quality. What exactly is she saying is wrong with it?
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
go citzens and adive bureax
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
i would offer her a refund...just get her away from you. at my salon we actually have a client release form, so that they can not take anyone to court. talk to your manager.
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
I am not a hairdresser, so forgive me if I don't know how the business works!! It seems like the supplier should pay you for re-fitting the hair. If it's not your fault in any way, why should you lose out!!! I work in the vehicle service industry and that's how it works for us!! You shouldn't have to refund anyone, you did your job correctly! Go after the supplier for compensation. Good luck to you!
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
Basically it's not your fault...she is complaining about the hair. The hair company is totally right...if they find nothing wrong on their part or yours, then she can't do a thing. But if it's her fault (like she washed it with the wrong shampoo or used a silly hair appliance on it) then she'll just have to accept the fact that she was at fault and pay the price.
If it is the hair then I think you are still obliged to re-fit them for is your duty to make sure you supply your clients with good quality products.
When I had hair extensions...I got into my fourth maintenance and ordered some extra hair to top-up with...but after a few days it all started to fall out. I went back to the hair dressers and they examined my head, asked me loads of questions about my care but they couldn't come up with a reason why it was falling out. What they did do though was give me more hair and they never charged me for it. I thought that was the right thing to do. If they were awful to me and refused to help they would have lost a customer.
My extensions are out now but they decided that my hair was no longer suitable for I'm still a good customer of their and I'm going in a week on Saturday to get my roots done and to pick up my new clip-ins!
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
Try asking this question in the law section??
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
I am not a lawyer, but I think if you offer a refund and the client accepts it, you should be off the hook.
As far as the e-mails go, you should DEFINITELY keep a printed copy of all of them. If this ever were to go to court, they would be helpful. I'd say to offer a complete refund, labor and product. If the client accepts it, I wouldn't worry anymore. I would let her know, however, if she doesn't leave you alone AFTER the refund, you may need to take action against her for harrassment and threatening you.
Good luck.
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
It sounds as if your are sort of caught in the middle. That being said "The customer is always right" is a saying because it usually works best that way for business. One question I have for you is whether or not you felt any difference in the quality of the wefts when you put them in? If you use good quality hair than she is incorrect but the saying unfortunately still applies. It is thought that a disatisfied client tells about 15 people of their disatisfaction and really satisfied clients tell about 3 to 5 people. Clearly the unhappy ones can quickly impact your business so do what you need to make her happy. Think of the bigger picture.
I would offer a refund with some sort of waiver if she will go for it. If not return her money in a way you can prove you did a refund. Throwing her a bone of some sort might also quiet her but if she wants to bad mouth you there will be little you can do. Good luck and remember most clients are reasonable people and maybe if you or a coworker try to approach her gently you can get to a resolution. GOOD LUCK
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
if the product is at fault then its down to the supplier if nothing is found wrong with the extensions then dont think theres much she can do maybe offer her refund of the price of extension but dont include your charge for fiting them
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
Did the client order the hair or did you? Have you worked with this system before? Obviously this relationship with the client is over. Why all the threats of court? Is that the client doing that? Save all the e-mails and print them out. Do not lose your cool with them- no matter how disrespectful they get. Be professional. If you have never used the product before than I really have to say you have to redo this work- with another product. They may be used to a superior quality of hair- perhaps this product is not. IF this is the only client who has complained about this quality then I would say that they are trying to get out of a bill. I would replace personally, not refund. But only do it immediately- not 2 months down the line.
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
What is yoru companys poilcy or if it your own company what was thre policy when you set it up? do you have small print that your client may of miss read?
i would other a disdcount to re fit them because it wasnt the fitting of them was it it was the manufactures?
nbut if she demands a refund or free of change fitted you need to get thje money of the manufaute if its their fault because they have costed you foir something that weas their problem
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
fair enough that she didnt like them but then again why did she choose them ones if she didnt like them?dnt give her a refund go to court and print out all the emails that the client has sent you because of the threats. The client should get full charge of this situation, at te end of the day you was just doing your job!x!
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
Well i think that hair extentions damage your hair anyway and its like 10 years later so she could of done anything with them you know i dont think that she should take you to court over them it was her idea to get them in the first place so she took it into her own hands and what ever happens 10 years later is he problem if it was like online a couple of wekks or even a year later then well i dont know but 10 years god...
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
just give her a refund and tell her that your services would no longer be avaliable to her
Hair extension nightmare with client !!?
can you just turn her over to someone else free of you work for a beauty shop??? id say she could take you to small claims..but who really cares about those cases?? you dont technically need to even show..waste of time. IGNORE THE *****.
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